
华为的新版“芭蕾脚” Huawei's new version of “Ballet Feet”

人文能建 2021-11-19

一只脚穿着舞鞋优雅光鲜,旁边的另一只脚却赤裸并伤痕累累,显得有些触目惊心。这幅构图对比鲜明、充满冲击力的画面,是美国摄影艺术家亨利·路特威勒(Henry Leutwyler)作品集“芭蕾脚”中的一张。2015年,任正非看到这幅照片时怦然心动:这不正是当下华为“痛并快乐着”的真实写照吗!华为光鲜的背后,是17万双“烂脚”孤独地行走在世界上!

Look at this stunning picture: there is one foot wearing elegant and glamorous dancing shoes, while the other foot next to it naked and scarred. This photo of striking contrast in composition is named “Ballet Feet”, part of the photography book by the American artist Henry Leutwyler. In 2015, it was this photo that aroused sympathy of Ren Zhengfei, founder & CEO of Huawei Technologies, a company going through the same bitter sweetness now. What makes Huawei as it is today was the 170,000 pairs of aching feet walking in a lonely world.

Huawei used it as its advertisement picture, with a slogan put as: “The people make a sport of the sublime. If they could see it as it is, they would be unable to bear its aspect.” This is the footnote of the advertisement, and also vividly represents the spirit of this technology giant. “In addition to drinking less coffee and working more than others, we actually have no advantages over other. It is because we started too late, the growing period is too short, and we have accumulated too little, thus we must suffer more than others. Huawei is such a hurting foot, which perfectly exemplifies how we go global” Ren said. As it is mentioned in its advertisement, most people can easily see the glory of Huawei, while the hard-working and perseverant pair of feet has always been overlooked.  
Now, the new version of “Ballet Feet” touched Ren once again. Huawei’s official Weibo and WeChat public account released a video on April 27. In the video, the ballet actor wearing a mask danced the “Four Little Swan” clip of “Swan Lake”. There is no audience on the scene, but every dancing detail is still meticulous. It turns out that since February 17, at the critical moment of combating COVID-19, the actors of the Shanghai Ballet went to the rehearsal hall wearing masks to reserve energy for the full resumption of work after the pandemic.



Huawei named the video as “The Plum Blossom Fragrance Comes from the Bitter Cold”.
“We can see their endogenous strength from this group of ballet dancers. Mature companies know that crisis is the norm. No matter how the external environment changes, we need to keep practicing internal skills, and plum blossoms will shine after the bitter cold. This video can demonstrate Huawei's spirit,” Ren said. In his letter to the Shanghai Ballet, he wrote: “The road to success is full of hardships and obstacles. Only by continuously working hard can we create value for our family and the whole society.”


After paying the copyright fees to the Shanghai Ballet, Huawei will translate the video subtitles into more than a dozen languages and use social media for public welfare. “We hope to convey the beauty of the ‘mask ballet’ to Huawei’s employees and their family members, customers, partners in more than 170 countries, inspiring everyone to overcome the current challenges with a positive attitude.”
ENERGY CHINA carries out business in more than 140 countries and regions around the world, and currently has more than 300 large and medium-sized projects under construction overseas. Hence, Tian Tao, senior management consultant of the Huawei Group, recommends this “mask ballet” to all staff of Energy China, especially those employees fihgting overseas. He encourages everyone to maintain a high spirit and keep firm confidence in defeating the pandemic in the darkest moment of COVID-19 sweeping the globe.  

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